Link Building
Internal and External Links
Link Building
The algorithms used by search engines change over time and what used to work to gain a high ranking does not work forever. Providing Portland SEO Services means that it is important for our SEO consultants to stay current with SEO best practices and adjust accordingly There are two basic types of links on a website, internal and external.
Internal Links
These links not only help to keep a viewer on a site but they are also used to target keywords that the search engine can find during searches. Search engines use algorithms to rank sites. . Links within a website provide the user with access to more information contained within or without the website. Links provide an easy route for the user to follow and tend to keep the user on the site longer. The user does not know how much relevant information there may be on the site they are viewing and the links help them to find it.
External Links
These links not only help to keep a viewer on a site but they are also used to target keywords that the search engine can find during searches. Search engines use algorithms to rank sites. . Links within a website provide the user with access to more information contained within or without the website. Links provide an easy route for the user to follow and tend to keep the user on the site longer. The user does not know how much relevant information there may be on the site they are viewing and the links help them to find it.
SEO Chat
This tool is free to use. Seochat will show all of the links that are internal or external to a given web site. SEO chat has many other tools that are also free to use. When it comes to ranking web site knowledge is power and knowing how to get that knowledge is the key to winning.
Screaming Frog
Also, free to use this tool will save the user a lot time by crawling, analyzing, and auditing a site. The information gleaned from Screaming Frog can be very instrumental in optimizing a site. Some of the information provided includes, word count, internal/external links, and whether a site is a follow or no-follow site. If a site has no follow pages or links gaining, an external link from this location will not do any good for the link builder because search engines will not follow it.
Moz Open Site Explorer
This tool will show how a page and domain rank in regards to authority. Page or Domain authority indicates how well a site and its pages rank within search engines. This tool has many useful analytics to determine not only how many outside domains are linked to it but also the quality of those links. This tool is free to use as well.